The World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are deepening their cooperation through an enhanced framework to help countries scale up action to confront the threat of climate ...
In 2023, carbon pricing revenues reached a record $104 billion, according to the World Bank’s annual “State and Trends of ...
Yichang City in Hubei Province will shift to a city-wide environmentally cleaner transportation system that will improve travel for residents, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and could serve as a ...
The World Bank’s groundbreaking new report, “Funding a Water-Secure Future: An Assessment of Public Spending,” quantifies for ...
Donors are set to announce their pledges for the International Development Association (IDA) 21st replenishment cycle in Seoul, Korea in December 2024. The pledging meeting is a vital opportunity to ...
Nyandungu Eco-Park in Kigali, Rwanda. Copyright: World Bank. The World Bank Group’s mission is to end poverty on a livable planet. With more than 50 percent of ...